
casting shrinkage中文是什么意思

  • 浇铸收缩
  • 铸造收缩



  • 例句与用法
  • The key to prediction of casting shrinkage / porosity lies in ascertaining the critical value of temperature gradient and niyama criterion . the thesis put forward two methods to ascertain the value , one is which is positive - direction and the other is negative - direction . we verify the realistic arithmetic of temperature gradient method and niyama criterion method by experiment , and we can draw a conclusion that the arithmetic is correct and reasonable in most cases and choice of developing tool is sound
    临界梯度值和新山判据临界值的确定是实现缩孔缩松预测的关键,本文提出了确定临界值的正向法和反向法,并以高铬铸铁件缩孔缩松预测和铸造工艺改进为研究对象,应用正向法,确定了温度梯度法的临界值为180 m 。
  • On the basic of the detailed analysis on main causes and main prediction methods of casting shrinkage / porosity , we put forward two methods to describe the solid phase rate of materials solidification . one is liner - distributing method , and the other is parabola - distributing method . and then , we apply the former to the system
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casting shrinkage的中文翻译,casting shrinkage是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译casting shrinkage,casting shrinkage的中文意思,casting shrinkage的中文casting shrinkage in Chinesecasting shrinkage的中文casting shrinkage怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
